The Great Indian "Secular" Tamasha
If you thought that the Mumbai blasts would have acted as wake-up call for the Government and the media , you couldn't be more wrong. While on one hand the government blunders along as if the blast was a freak cracker bursting accident and treat the issue with kids-gloves , on the other hand we have this wonderful media which is hell bent on providing us some excellent words of wisdom from such renowned security experts like the uncle of a serial kisser, a closet gay director of candy floss and that obonoxious booker winner who thinks she is a reincarnation of Karl Marx .
There has been till date no information and in-depth analysis on the modus operandi of these terrorists groups, how they can carry out such operation so easily, why the intelligence failed to give any warning sign, where are the terror modules located in the country, why is the government allowing such modules to carry on their activities . Its now common knowledge that numerous terror modules exist in Maharashtra but did any of the channels take this up. The manner and way this blast and the previous ones have been carried out speaks volumes of the infrastructure of the Islamic terrorists, I don't want to be diplomatic and say terrorism has no religion blah blah. Its clearly Islamic and nothing else. It seems amply clear that the government has all along turned a blind eye that theses terror groups which blend in so easily and also get local support.
Instead of giving us details / analysis on the terror modules , what the media has done is to make this whole issue a soap opera. The dumb anchors can be forgiven but why saddle the viewers with the Fabindia promoters like Kuldip Nayar and Nafisa Ali. What is the need to keep on cautioning about the fear of reprisals? It was very clear from the beginning that is not going to happen and I don't think it will happen in future. Everyone knows that the entire community is not resposible and the viewer doesn't need to be reminded of this everytime. Especially we don't need to be told this from morons like the drama queen who has no qualms about hobnobbing with Kashmiri separatists.
I am sure people like Teesta Setelvad, N. Ram and Barkha Dutt must be sorely disappointed to see the Shiv Sena so quiet. They must wanted them to react but unfortunately for them all the extremist Hindu groups were restrained. This woman Teesta Setavad is like tape which has got stuck, she is not able to see life beyond Modi and Gujarat. The Gujarat shelf life is fast reaching the expiry date and she needs to invent some new topics if she wants to stay in the limelight. If Modi dies today, I am quite sure this Teesta woman will commit suicide. There should be ban on this uncle of the serial kisser appearing on television and spouting his pearls of wisdoms. Everyone knows by now he has verbal diahorrea and needs treatment urgently . He is hilarious but please spare us the sight of this man in times of such tragedy . Everytime there is a bomb blast, we get to hear the same boring dialogues from the media about standing tall and united and showing restraint . When will the media take up issues about terror modules , the growth of Islamic extremism, Why a moderate anti-terror law POTA as repealed, what changes has it made by repealing it. Will we ever get answers for all this? Alas, I don't think ever.
Lets applaud the terrorists who indulged in such a monumental act and dress in chic fab india kurtas and participate in marches along with Nafisa Ali and Kuldip Nayar. Thus The Great Indian "Secular" Tamasha chugs along happily.
There has been till date no information and in-depth analysis on the modus operandi of these terrorists groups, how they can carry out such operation so easily, why the intelligence failed to give any warning sign, where are the terror modules located in the country, why is the government allowing such modules to carry on their activities . Its now common knowledge that numerous terror modules exist in Maharashtra but did any of the channels take this up. The manner and way this blast and the previous ones have been carried out speaks volumes of the infrastructure of the Islamic terrorists, I don't want to be diplomatic and say terrorism has no religion blah blah. Its clearly Islamic and nothing else. It seems amply clear that the government has all along turned a blind eye that theses terror groups which blend in so easily and also get local support.
Instead of giving us details / analysis on the terror modules , what the media has done is to make this whole issue a soap opera. The dumb anchors can be forgiven but why saddle the viewers with the Fabindia promoters like Kuldip Nayar and Nafisa Ali. What is the need to keep on cautioning about the fear of reprisals? It was very clear from the beginning that is not going to happen and I don't think it will happen in future. Everyone knows that the entire community is not resposible and the viewer doesn't need to be reminded of this everytime. Especially we don't need to be told this from morons like the drama queen who has no qualms about hobnobbing with Kashmiri separatists.
I am sure people like Teesta Setelvad, N. Ram and Barkha Dutt must be sorely disappointed to see the Shiv Sena so quiet. They must wanted them to react but unfortunately for them all the extremist Hindu groups were restrained. This woman Teesta Setavad is like tape which has got stuck, she is not able to see life beyond Modi and Gujarat. The Gujarat shelf life is fast reaching the expiry date and she needs to invent some new topics if she wants to stay in the limelight. If Modi dies today, I am quite sure this Teesta woman will commit suicide. There should be ban on this uncle of the serial kisser appearing on television and spouting his pearls of wisdoms. Everyone knows by now he has verbal diahorrea and needs treatment urgently . He is hilarious but please spare us the sight of this man in times of such tragedy . Everytime there is a bomb blast, we get to hear the same boring dialogues from the media about standing tall and united and showing restraint . When will the media take up issues about terror modules , the growth of Islamic extremism, Why a moderate anti-terror law POTA as repealed, what changes has it made by repealing it. Will we ever get answers for all this? Alas, I don't think ever.
Lets applaud the terrorists who indulged in such a monumental act and dress in chic fab india kurtas and participate in marches along with Nafisa Ali and Kuldip Nayar. Thus The Great Indian "Secular" Tamasha chugs along happily.
All are as crappy as they possibly can be. Some of those chaps whom you mentioned are absolutely boring, they momnet they appear I reach out for my remote. Ughh
Anonymous, at 11:54 PM
Your views are extremenly one-sided and judgemental. You want the media to fan communal tensions, hey grow up man
Anonymous, at 8:25 PM
All these commies like roy and dutt should be stripped naked and beaten..never do they show the truth.
Anonymous, at 12:36 AM
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
Anonymous, at 8:53 PM
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