Musings of a layman

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Talking Nonsense

The queen of crappy journalism was back this week and how ..She was all over. Talking Nonsense with Shashi Tharoor, We the people , Crappy interview with a transvestite . Wow! that was quite a lot by her standards.

The programme "Talking Nonsense" with Shashi Tharoor exposed the drama queen totally as the dud she is. She was asking some really rubbish questions and one could see in the end even she was ashamed by it. Sample this , She asked him " The other South Asian countries fear ( Read Pakistan) that India will act as a Big brother once you become Secretary General". He replied very sarcastically but politely " I wont be accountable to the Indian politicians , I will be answerable to 190 country members". This was just one of the rubbish questions she put across and it was nice to see Shashi Tharoor showing her place. This woman is such a worst hypocrite one can ever across in life. Its unfathomable to think that she would interview a person without doing any kind of homework. I wonder how the roys allow her to do what she wants .

Its high time the Indian government gives her a one-way ticket to Islamabad but I'm not sure if Musharraf would be mighty pleased to have her there permanently. Any other channel would have put the programme "Beyond stereotype" in the trash can but NDTV being a Pak-friendly channel hyped it like anything and telecast it many times over. The Transvestite who was interviewed by Barkha was either on drugs or she/he got so excited on being interviewed that he started blabbering one idiotic remark after another. I don't think NDTV can go further down the pits if they keep on telecasting such stupid programmes.

Pakistan should stop spending huge sums on producing propaganda programmes on PTV. NDTV is doing a much better job of it with no one even battling an eye lid. I am really taken aback by the audacity of NDTV to keep on indulging in such a propaganda . Why the government is sitting quiet in the face of such covert propaganda from within is something which needs to be questioned.

Anyway, I saw one creature called Indira Kannan on IBN interviewing the actor who plays Superman. Oh boy! She was totally at sea asking some really laughable questions. She was totally over-awed by the occasion . I think she is one those Tam-Brahmins whose father must have gone to US and got settled there. She would have been better off being a housewife to one those nerdy techies than being in front of a camera.

Day by day this Gaurika chopra is trying to ape Sonali chander in the way she pronounces , the way she tries to go high pitch and low pitch and the mannerisms. I'm sure Sonali would love it but it sucks big time. More on some inside news about sports desk in next post.


  • ah...the sports desk next...great :)

    By Blogger Vetti Guy, at 12:18 AM  

  • Oh are a havoc. I simply enjoy the name "drama queen"...i also never understood if the drama queen is the interviewer or the interviewee...she talks more than the person she interviews.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:31 PM  

  • Shumit:

    You should see her performances when she goes to visit the people affected by riots, flood or earthquake. In front of camera she is so pretensious that it makes you sick.

    You ask the people who work under her ..they will tell you she is not only a bad boss but the worst kind of human being as well.Her strategy is simple to talk more so some people are fooled into giving awards.

    By Blogger Free_as_Falcon, at 3:06 AM  

  • there's more to life than barkha dutt , please post something different & interesting

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:28 PM  

  • Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:29 PM  

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