NDTV proves a point
NDTV beat the other channels with respect to the coverage of the Mahajan saga . Yesterday they were the first to report about his arrest while IBN was showing their sports segment. HT and TN were stating Rahul was going to be arrested while he was already arrested. NDTV was first to inform that he was taken into custody and though their reporter was that useless woman called Anasuya who looks like a drug addict herself, they after a long time did a comptent job out of this issue.
The coverage of this incident again proves the point that today irrelevant news items are being given prime time importance as if the country's wellbeing is at stake. I could have understood if it was Rahul Gandhi but pray who is Rahul Mahajan and what is his qualification for hogging the limelight for the last 4-5 days. All the channels has around 4-5 reporters working on such a stupid story while the Office of profit issue was just said in passing. The president returning such an important bill is something which should have been analysed in great detail but it was given as much importance as the weather report.
The worse reporter award should be given to Shiv Pujan Jha for the kind of rubbish he dished out from the police station on the day Rahul Mahajan was taken to hospital. First time, VSA asked him about what the police are saying, he said " Let me show the police station and the camera zoomed to show the police station and next he said " The area is thickly populated as you can see from here" ...then the second time when after 20 mins VSA went to him he said " Let me show you the police station' and then the camera showed the police station from his left side. First time the viewer was treated to this historic police station from the right side and then the second time from left. I think all the viewers must have attained salvation.
This chap is such a moron that he cant even make a proper report and he went on talking some crap which except him no one would have understood. His linguistic skills are atrocious to say the least and he is the crime reporter of a news channel which is proclaiming itself to be the best in business today. NDTV did quite a commendable job on the first day and due credit should be given to Siddarth Pandey for being first to give information and also for analysis provided.Even TN was better compared to IBN and please spare us the sight of Jha. It would be interesting to see what how his performance appraisal turns out to be.
The coverage of this incident again proves the point that today irrelevant news items are being given prime time importance as if the country's wellbeing is at stake. I could have understood if it was Rahul Gandhi but pray who is Rahul Mahajan and what is his qualification for hogging the limelight for the last 4-5 days. All the channels has around 4-5 reporters working on such a stupid story while the Office of profit issue was just said in passing. The president returning such an important bill is something which should have been analysed in great detail but it was given as much importance as the weather report.
The worse reporter award should be given to Shiv Pujan Jha for the kind of rubbish he dished out from the police station on the day Rahul Mahajan was taken to hospital. First time, VSA asked him about what the police are saying, he said " Let me show the police station and the camera zoomed to show the police station and next he said " The area is thickly populated as you can see from here" ...then the second time when after 20 mins VSA went to him he said " Let me show you the police station' and then the camera showed the police station from his left side. First time the viewer was treated to this historic police station from the right side and then the second time from left. I think all the viewers must have attained salvation.
This chap is such a moron that he cant even make a proper report and he went on talking some crap which except him no one would have understood. His linguistic skills are atrocious to say the least and he is the crime reporter of a news channel which is proclaiming itself to be the best in business today. NDTV did quite a commendable job on the first day and due credit should be given to Siddarth Pandey for being first to give information and also for analysis provided.Even TN was better compared to IBN and please spare us the sight of Jha. It would be interesting to see what how his performance appraisal turns out to be.
You trash the news channels super sarcastically and in a very amusing manner. I quite enjoy following your blog. Who really cares if Rahul Mahajan does coke or not !!! He definitely has enough money to not deal coke and the entire country knows that...and then there was this stupid which was called " high life " or soemthing like that in which Rahul Bose trashed the shit out of the anchor...I quite enjoyed watchin that.
Unknown, at 5:43 AM
Dude, really funny stuff
and true as well...although you may be a bit too harsh on some of these guys.
the police station bit was too good :)
and keep writing.
Vetti Guy, at 2:04 AM
Hey Bhupendra stop your tirade against Vidya you ugly idiot
Anonymous, at 9:04 PM
Add some twists to this blog
Anonymous, at 3:21 AM
no posts ???
Anonymous, at 1:04 AM
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Anonymous, at 10:23 AM
"I think all the viewers must have attained salvation."
Liked it.
Anupam, at 3:38 AM
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