Musings of a layman

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

IBN's Horror Show

Lot of people ask me how so many News channels can survive and grow and is there any viewership for all the channels. The answer is simple the news channels have replaced the saas bahus serials as people are beginning to find more entertainment value in news channels than in the soaps. Nowadays the news has more drama , comedy, action than any other serial. IBN has added some horror to the list recently.

Channel 7 has a programme called "Criminal" at 10.30 pm weekdays and its a shocker. It is hosted by one woman reciting shayari . IBN sources tell me this woman was a soft porn actress and used to act in those Z-grade Ramsay horror movies in the 1990's. There are no words to describe the programme . It has to be seen to be believed. I was totally dumbstruck when I happened to watch it. Star News also has the same kind of programme called Criminal hosted by some guy who looks like he is on the run, but let me tell you the Star news one is an intellectual one compared to Channel 7. Its so spooky and unbelievable kind of programme and one is left speechless. I still cant fathom if the woman was for real and the way she raised her eyebrows is something extraordinary. After every sentence she would do some action with her thick eyebrows which will freak you out. I am now totally convinced any Thomas kutty or Gagandeep Kaur can get into IBN and host some rubbish in the name of programme. Only thing you have to do is to pay money to Mr. Sardesai. No wonder the tag line says"Whatever it takes" . Shame on you Rajdeep.

Yesterday after the Mumbai blasts , we again saw the same kind of news like leaders mouthing platitudes , all the leader condemning and mouthing the same old dialogues. Oh come on guys cut the crap out, How many times will you go on condemning and putting blame on LeT. Its so very convenient to blame and then sit and do nothing. Why doesn't the so-called ethical and secular news channels tell us what happened to the earlier bomb blasts and if anyone was caught and if so what has happened to the perpetrators. The best question in connection to the bomb blast goes to the drama queen but naturally . She asked the reporter in Khar," How is the mood among the people there" . What kind of question is this? Is this woman on drugs or has she lost her mental balance? . Another gem was when one dumb reporter called Geetanjali was reporting and Barkha said to her," Why don't you get some views from the people standing behind , I see a old man there" Then immediately this Geetanjali babe got hold of this old guy who was loitering around and asked him some really inane questions and when it was revealed that this old guy was passing time roaming around she started fumbling and was at a loss of words. This Geetanjali seems to be the fly-by-night reporter variety.

Next post as promised earlier on the horse with a flat nose.


  • r u a journalist?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:56 AM  

  • u gotta be kidding..IBN is the best channel and TAM ratings prove it u shithead why write if u dont know anythng

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:06 PM  

  • Most interesting this! And finally I see someone mention the crappy show on Pak by NDTV and its bitchy little drama queen. Did you see the spl. edition of We The People she hosted from Karachi? With, about 9 and a half people as audience who all were happily agreeing to whatever that was being said. Making her look like a fool, as she tried to stoke their angst and woes for "quotable quotes".

    By Blogger Vijayeta, at 9:30 PM  

  • Vijayeta : Thats the way she operates. "We the people" is the most pathetic programme and what makes it digusting is the way she acts in it. She tries to show concern or else pats the hand of a person . It comes across so phoney that you feel like giving her one tight slap.

    By Blogger Free_as_Falcon, at 12:44 AM  

  • I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:32 AM  

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